UN4Uth Inclusion, Equality & Trust

Visit to Albanian Football Federation
We’re excited to share the incredible news of the successful completion of our #3 activity initiative aiming to increase social interaction, tolerance, combat hate speech among youth fan clubs. πŸ†

A big thank you to the Albanian Football Federation who made this initiative possible. Also heartfelt thanks to Marjus Sulejmani- Competition Department at Albanian Football Federation and Gentjan Muca – FK Tirana U21 coach.
This activity is organized within the framework of the regional initiative of the United Nations “Youth for inclusiveness, equality and trust”, which is implemented in Albania, Kosovo*, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and North Macedonia, with the financial support of the Peace Fund of Secretary General of the UN #UNPeacebuildingFund.
In Albania, this initiative is implemented by #UNDPAlbania and #UNFPAAlbania.

Gratitude #SportsCommunity #ThankYou @AlbanianFootballFederation