Erasmus + Project 27.8.2021- 5.9.2021 Lublin, Poland “Bookmarks vs Hate speech”
ASSA was a partner of the project “Bookmark vs Hate Speech” realized in Lublin, Poland on 27.8.2021- 5.9.2021 date. The aim of the project was to improve the key competencies and skills of young people to face the “hate speech” towards them as a result of racism, culture and different preferences. Promoting solidarity, dialogue and inclusion is very important for combating hate speech. Three representatives from Albania member of ASSA association (2 boys (Eni Topi, Rigens Kërçuku) and 1 girl (Anisa Nurja) were selected by ASSA for this 10-day training. This was a very valuable training because phenomena such as “hate speech” are very present nowadays especially in social networks. The participants said that through this training they had the opportunity to gain knowledge about solving such phenomena.