EUFITMOS Project 2022-2023

Albania Final Report-EUFITMOS fitness testing 2022-2023   

The EUFITMOS project addresses the following topic: “Encourage participation in sport and physical activity especially by supporting Council Recommendation on HEPA and EU Physical Activity Guidelines”. Following the European recommendations for monitoring fitness, especially in youth, and given the resources that are already available and are underused in this population, the aim of the EUFITMOS project is to create a European network for monitoring fitness in youth in order to use fitness as an indicator of HEPA for individuals, the MS, the scientific community and the public health and education sectors.

The EUFITMOS project will bridge the gaps between knowledge, guidelines, concepts for monitoring and assessment, among countries and among different sets of indicators on fitness.


Albanian Sports Science Association (ASSA) is part as an external partner of the European Fitness Monitoring System (EUFITMOS) having permission to utilize the project resources. In Albania this project is approved by the Ministry of Education and Sports (Republic of Albania) with prot number 1596/2 date 04.05.2022

In Albanian this project was supported by Balkan Sport

Balkan Sport Ltd. is the leading company in the wholesale and retail sporting goods industry in Albania. Balkan Sport is the official distributor of the well-known brands adidas, Reebok, Head, Mares, Givova and also the official representative of the multi brand retail chain store, INTERSPORT.

Citation: Albanian Sports Science Association. (n.d.). Albania Final Report- EUFITMOS fitness testing 2022-2023. Retrieved May 12, 2024, from

In text Citation: (Albanian Sports Science Association, n.d.)