🌟 Thank You, Pim and Nora! 🌟

🌟 Thank You, Pim and Nora! 🌟 We’re grateful to Pim and Nora from Holland, who chose ASSA for their internship and have now completed their mission with us! They did an incredible job working with our youth and Smart Sport Center instructors to organize fun sport activities for our

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Albania Final Report-EUFITMOS fitness testing 2022-2023.

Facts about Albanian Children (1-12 grades) Abdominal Adiposity The EUFITMOS project addresses the following topic: “Encourage participation in sport and physical activity especially by supporting Council Recommendation on HEPA and EU Physical Activity Guidelines”.Albanian Sports Science Association (ASSA) is part as an external partner of the European Fitness Monitoring System

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Tirana pa Makina- 5.5.2024

🏞️🌟🏃‍♂️⚽️ Përfundoi një ditë e mrekullueshme plot energji dhe adrenalinë ne Diten pa Makina te organizuar nga Bashkia Tirane 🏞️⚽️ Faleminderit të gjithëve që morët pjesë në këtë aktivitete të paharrueshme sportive. Një përvojë që do të kujtohet gjatë. #AktiviteteSportive #Bashkëpunim #BashkiaTirane🌟🏃‍♂️ 🏞️🌟🏃‍♂️⚽️ A wonderful day full of energy and

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Fans Power “Uniting for Respect”

Dissemination session of learning among youngsters Venue: ASSA Hall, Date 8.3.2024 17; 30 The purpose of this project is to increase social interaction, tolerance, combating hate speech among fan clubs (Tirana, Partizani and more) of young people (16-26 yrs), increasing awareness, promoting diversity, inclusion and activities. “Youth for inclusiveness, equality

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