3rd International Conference “Globalisation and Integration in Contemporary Education”

We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of 3rd International Conference “Globalisation and Integration in Contemporary Education” held in Elbasan, December 1st 2023 our recent collaboration with Department of Physical Education and Sports, Faculty of Educational Sciences of University of Elbasan “Aleksandër Xhuvani”! 🚀 A heartfelt thank you to

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YCSRA 2023

🚀 Exciting News! Our recent collaboration “YCSRA 2023” with “Center of Research, Studies in Physical Education, Sport and Health-CRSPES” has come to a successful conclusion! A huge shoutout and heartfelt thanks to the incredible team of “Center of Research, Studies in Physical Education, Sport and Health-CRSPES” for their unwavering dedication

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ASSA- SUNRISE Project 2023

Projekti SUNRISE Nje falenderim shkon per kopshtin LODROJME gjate permbylljes me sukses te matjeve. Gjithashtu ekipi ASSA falenderon drejtuesit, stafin, edukatoret, femijet dhe prinderit per gadishmerine  e treguar gjate te gjithe procesit te matjeve. SUNRISE project A thank you goes to the kindergarden “LODROJME” during the successful completion of the

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Projekti SUNRISE Nje falenderim shkon per Shtepiza e Lepurushave gjate permbylljes me sukses te matjeve. Gjithashtu ekipi ASSA falenderon drejtuesit, stafin, edukatoret, femijet dhe prinderit per gadishmerine  e treguar gjate te gjithe procesit te matjeve Projekti SUNRISE është një studim ndërkombëtar i Sjelljeve të Lëvizjes në Vitet e Hershme të

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