
EUFITMOS 2022-2023

EUFITMOS Project 2022-2023 Albania Final Report-EUFITMOS fitness testing 2022-2023    The EUFITMOS project addresses the following topic: “Encourage participation in sport and physical activity especially by supporting Council Recommendation on HEPA and EU Physical Activity Guidelines”. Following the European recommendations for monitoring fitness, especially in youth, and given the resources that

EU4Youth 2023-2024

Consumer Spending on & for Sport in Albania (scientific study). Grant Contract–External actions of the European Union–EAC–2023–0414 for financial of the“EU4Youth–European Week of Sport beyond Borders in the Western Balkans ”October 2023–June2024 Consumer Spending on & for Sport in Albania (scientific study). About the project In 2022, the prices of


The SUNRISE project is an international study of Movement Behavior in Early Childhood and is being carried out in many countries. In Albania, this is a study from the plan study, part of the Albanian Sports Science Association ( in collaboration with the University of Wollongong, Australia. Together, you can

Active Youth Ambassador – Nature Lovers

Purpose Young people are the key to development in the city of Tirana. Prospects for young people aim to encourage all stakeholders to rethink their ideas. This includes encouraging them to engage in youth activities in a sustainable way, rather than pursuing a needs-driven participatory approach. Promoting and forming an

Play Unified –Young Athletes

Play Unified –Young Athletes 2020-2021 As part of the project “Young Athletes – Play Unified” the Albanian Sports Science Association has conducted anthropometric measurements and physical tests of children with intellectual disabilities. This project is implemented by the Special Olympics Albania, funding from the US Embassy and with the support of Tirana Municipality. These measurements are of particular

Body Fit

FINAL REPORT EVALUATION OF ANTHOPOMETRIC AND HEALTH PARAMETERS ON BODYBUILDINNG ATHLETES Calculated data in this report has been measured by Albanian Sports Science Association (ASSA) lab team, working with 55 subjects, fitness and bodybuilding athletes. The data include: anthropometrics measurement (height and weight), neck, shoulder, arms, thighs circumference and more,

Trainer 1.0 BETA Project

Albanian Sports Science Association has successfully completed theoretical and practical seminars as part of the project “Trainers 0.1 Beta Project” on 12-13 and 19-20 December 2020 in Tirana, Albania. The modules included in the training were “IO5 Basketball coach-training course program”, “IO6 Complementary Training” and “IO1 Dual career for young

START Project

ASSA Testing offer Testing and evaluation of biomotoric parameters Individual & Team periodic testing Evaluation of anthropometric parameters Evaluation of aerobic / anaerobic capacity parameters Evaluation of acceleration and speed parameters Evaluation of agility and flexibility parameters Evaluation of muscle strength and endurance parameters Evaluation of explosive power parameters For

FIT Albania Project

FIT ALBANIA PROJECT Purpose The FIT ALBANIA project proposed and developed by members of the Albanian Sport Sciences Association (ASSA) highlights and gives a clear overview of fitness centers in Albania (2016-2018). This report provides data on the hosting capacities of these fitness centers, the types of activities offered, the

FUN Fitness Screening Project

About FUN Fitness Screening project On December 8, 2017, Albanian Sports Science Association (ASSA) had the chance to cooperate with Special Olympics Albania in sport event “Special Olympics Basketball Week 2017” with the support of Kids Sport Center “SMART”. During this event ASSA lab team and research had the opportunity