Some players, boys and girls, sit in a circle, sitting on the ground, with their legs extended forward, half bent or standing, and holding a rope that outlines the entire circle and which, with the rotation of their hands, will pass in one direction, left or right.
As the rope continues to spin, one of the players standing in the center of the circle with a wrap* in his hand gives the command “tighten” or “free”. In this case, the players of the circle must be careful to do the opposite with the “tighten” command, that is, to leave the free belt, while with the “free” command to tighten it so that it cannot rotate. The one who acts differently, as a punishment, gets a kick with a wrap* in the palm of his hand, which the player of the center gives him. Once this action is performed, the rope rotation will continue again until the center player sees fit.
*wrap means a handkerchief or towel, which is tied to a knot on one side and used to strike with it in a children’s game; game with handkerchiefs, which are placed at the end of a stick embedded in the ground, which is protected by a belt one of the players so as not to take the other players.
Unit of Activities and Assessment
Albanian Sports Science Association (ASSA)
www.assa.alsite, Assa.albania@gmail.com
Reference: Shuteriqi. S (1980) , Lojëra Sportive Popullore, I,Page: 3