This game educates vigilance, courage and develops motor skills and force.
Participate 20-30-40 people, boys and girls together or separately, lined up side by side in a circle and sitting on the ground with their hands under their knees in order to be able to follow each other with a wrap* without being seen by the leader. The leader stands in the center of the circle, he is also sitting, but is free, so that he can turn around and turn away from those who he thinks are following the wrap. When one of the district players finds it convenient, falls on his back with a wrap the leader and quickly follows the wrap to his friends again so that he is not caught by the leader with the wrap in his hand. The player who is caught with a wrap in his hand by the leader will be replaced with him and thus continues with the new leader. At the time when the players pass the wrap hand in hand, they will all shout together and non-stop: “bat-bat-bat…”, in order to confuse the leader and create opportunities for him to fall as often as possible with the wrap on the back.
*wrap means a handkerchief or towel, which is tied to a knot on one side and used to strike with it in a children’s game; game with handkerchiefs, which are placed at the end of a stick embedded in the ground, which is protected by a belt one of the players so as not to take the other players.
Unit of Activities and Assessment
Albanian Sports Science Association (ASSA)
www.assa.alsite, Assa.albania@gmail.com
Reference: Shuteriqi. S (1980) , Lojëra Sportive Popullore, I,Page: 5