🌟 Fans Power: β€œUniting for Respect”! ⚽🀝

🌟 Fans Power: β€œUniting for Respect”! ⚽🀝 #UN4Uth    Inclusion, Equality & Trust Derby Football Match- Partizani vs Tirana Air Albania Stadium The players joined the United Nations project implemented by ASSA, which promotes the fight against hate speech in every environment, including sports environments, considering sport as a tool for

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#UN4UthΒ Β Β  Inclusion, Equality & Trust Venue: Air Albania Stadium, Football Derby Match- Partizani vs Tirana Date 16.2.2024 19; 00 UN4UthThe aim of this project is to increase social interaction, tolerance, fight against hate speech among fan clubs (Tirana, Partizani and more) of young people (16-26 yrs) through raising awareness, promoting

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🌟 Fans Power: β€œUniting for Respect”! ⚽🀝

🌟 Fans Power: β€œUniting for Respect”! ⚽🀝 #UN4Uth    Inclusion, Equality & Trust Gentjan Muca and the Youth Fans This activity is organized within the framework of the regional initiative of the United Nations “Youth for inclusiveness, equality and trust”, which is implemented in Albania, Kosovo*, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and

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🌟 Fans Power: β€œUniting for Respect”! ⚽🀝

Marjus Sulejmani and the Youth Fans #UN4Uth    Inclusion, Equality & Trust Marjus Sulejmani- Competition Department at Albanian Football Federation. This activity is organized within the framework of the regional initiative of the United Nations “Youth for inclusiveness, equality and trust”, which is implemented in Albania, Kosovo*, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia

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