Welcome from the President of ICSSE 2019
Dear colleagues, Welcome to the Faculty of Education Sciences in University of Elbasan “Aleksander Xhuvani”! We are proud to host for the annual scientific event of the International Conference on βSports Sciences, Education and Their Role in Achieving Sustainable Development and Social Welfareβ which will be held on 12-13 April
Open Call for Scientific Research Articles
The European Journal of Health & Science in Sports “EJHSS” http://ejhss.com/index.php/SportsScience/issue/archive is the Journal of the Albanian Sport Science Association “ASSA” www.assa.alsite.
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDINGbetween the Albanian Sports Science Association (ASSA) and the Montenegrin Sports Academy, Montenegro. Media News The agreement on cooperation between the Montenegrin Sports Academy and the Albanian Sports Science Association in the field of sport was signed today by the presidents of these organizations, prof. Dr DuΕ‘ko Bjelica