Topic : Report Card on Physical Activity for children and youth in Montenegro

Bojan Masanovic received his Bachelor degree (2001) from the Faculty of Sport Physical Education, University of Novi Sad. He then pursued his graduate training and obtained his M.Sc. (2008) and Ph.D. (2015) in Sport Science at the University of Novi Sad. He joined the University of Montenegro in 2017, where he currently working as an Assistant Professor, and from 2022 as a Vice-Dean for Education. To date, he has authored and co-authored more than 100 peer-reviewed articles in multidisciplinary journals, including those with high impact factors from Q1 and Q2 category. He has been repeatedly rewarded by credit mobility within the ERASMUS + and CEEPUS programs, which enabled him to teach at several universities, in Spain, Croatia (3 times), Turkey, Czech Republic (2 times) and the Hungary. He is a participant in two ERASMUS + Sport project (researcher and administrator in EUFITMOS; manager and researcher in SWOST), six other scientific and bilateral projects, and is a representative of Montenegro in four COST actions. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Anthropology of Sport and Physical Education, Guest Associate Editor for BioMed Research International, Frontiers in Pediatrics and Frontiers in Public Health, and an Ad-Hoc Reviewer in twenty international journals (Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine; Sport Mont; International Journal of General Medicine; Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity Targets and Therapy; Scientific Reports; BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation; PLOS One; Psychology Research and Behavior Management; Risk Management and Healthcare Policy; Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity; International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching; Frontiers in Pediatrics; Frontiers in Public health; Journal of Sport Rehabilitation; Frontiers in Physiology; Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport; Nutricion Hospitalaria; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; Healthcare; Frontiers in Nutrition), also for the last four years, the President of the Organizing Committee of the Annual International Scientific Conference organized by the Montenegrin Sports Academy. The University of Montenegro awarded him recognition for the achieved results and contributions to the development of scientific research, artistic and professional work at the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education in 2019.