A healthy way of nutrition serves not just athletes, but all people who aspire to live a long life. The human body responds the same way we treat it. If you think that frequent cafes, sweets or quick meals are positive, think again. These approaches do not exist in the diet of a healthy sportsman.

In addition to the quality and quantity of food, special attention should be paid to the time it is consumed. You can not do a successful job or start a physical activity with an empty stomach or a dehydrated body. The ratio of food to the amount of water or liquids you consume should be proportional, in order to allow your body to overcome the nutritional value. Often athletes forget this proportion and end up having trouble digesting.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Lunch is more abundant in quantity, but the body needs to “wake up” in the morning. A sportsman cannot be efficient if his body gets more time to wake up. If you do not have time or you do not eat too much in the morning, it’s good to learn the body with light and fast things. For example, start the day with a glass of squeezed orange juice without added sugars. After a while, add a toast or a boiled egg so that eating breakfast turns into a routine.

Eat on food values. A good breakfast would contain protein (eggs) and fruit, while a good lunch would be rich in iron. Especially for women who most often suffer from iron deficiency, foods such as red meat, cereals or spinach would be of more beneficial.

A good athlete eats before and after exercise. Do not fall into traps such as calorie counts, or carbohydrates you consume. There is no specific formula that helps you with body weight, despite the fact that different commercial products claim the opposite. Carbohydrates are the body’s fuel and supply energy. Balance the intensity of the day with the number of carbohydrates you consume, and try to consume healthy foods.

Eat fresh produce and plan some time to eat. It’s not good practice to eat while walking, duringΒ commute, or while you work. The feeding time must be distinct and detached from other activities. In the same way, plan the quality of the foods you consume. Orient yourself to fresh, raw products. Packed foods are mostly the most elaborate ones. Industrial processing delivers nutrition and nutrition foods.

Do not expect to have a physical athlete close-ups just by changing some aspects of eating. Healthy living is a lifestyle, so it affects all spheres of your activities. Along with food control, try to include some physical activities on your day to have a better quality of life.

Source: Allen, J. 10 Tips to Eat Like a Pro Athlete. ACTIVE.com.