#UN4Uth Inclusion, Equality & Trust
Venue: Air Albania Stadium,
Football Derby Match- Partizani vs Tirana
Date 16.2.2024 19; 00
The aim of this project is to increase social interaction, tolerance, fight against hate speech among fan clubs (Tirana, Partizani and more) of young people (16-26 yrs) through raising awareness, promoting diversity, inclusion and gender balance in sport, engaging with their fan communities and sharing their positive experiences.

This activity is organized within the United Nations regional initiative “Youth for Inclusion, Equality and Confidence”, which is implemented in Albania, Kosovo *, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and North Macedonia, with the financial support of the #UNPeacebuildingFund of the UN Secretary General.
In Albania, this initiative is implemented by #UNDPAlbania and #UNFPAAlbania.