A historical perspective of the organization and functioning of the physical education system in Albania
Second part (1928-1939)
The monarchic regime in Albania
This period was closely linked with the drafting of the Albanian constitution in 1928 which established the monarchic regime in Albania and marks the beginning of the state sporting organization in a well-defined governmental structure. During 1929 (in 2 September) the national sporting body “Djelmnia Shqiptare” was established and officially acknowledged by the government structures. Such entity had as primary aim the physical, moral and paramilitary training culture of Albanian youth (2). This is also the year when for the first time was established a person responsible for sporting activities called “Physical Education Inspector” who was later appointed in all municipalities of Albania (1; 2). A year later (1930) the Ahmet Zogu (King of the Albania) government seeing the ongoing sporting activities in the country, issued a decree in 6 June for the foundation of the Albanian Sports Federation, a structure within the national sporting body “Djelmënia shqiptare” to bring in more sporting youth and regulate the organization of national and international sporting events. In every municipality center were established regional sporting associations which were directly depend from the federation. The sporting activity of the Federation was divided in three main categories: sports games, athletics and other sports (swimming, cycling, boxing and wrestling). On 13 August 1935 in Tirana was founded the Sports and Arts Federation “Vllaznia Shqiptare” serving as chairman the Education minister Dr.Mirash Ivanaj who stressed the importance of physical education in schools (1).
(1) Miço, K (2012) Sporti shqiptar në 100 vjet. Komiteti i KP, BFSSH. Gazeta Shekulli 03.12.2012 Tiranë
(2) Dizdari, B (2012) Themelimet e mëdha të sportit shqiptar në 100 vjet Gazeta Panorama Sport 28.10.2012 Tiranë
Published by Juel Jarani, Florian Muca, Ilir Dojka, Dean Qefalia, Andi Spahi: A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF The organization and functioning of the physical education system in albania. History of physical education in europe I, 1 edited by Peter D Pavlovic, Nenad Zivanovic, Antala Branislav, Kristina Pantelic Babic, 01/2015: chapter 1: pages 24-38; University of Pristina, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education in Leposavic FIEP Europe., ISBN: 978-86-82329-52-7