We are always busy with work, without wanting to, we often abuse our mental well-being. Often we find ourselves worried about family problems at work, or dealing with work problems at homeΒ . Such a scene is repeated every day until we lose sense, where family starts, and where the work ends… All this overload is translated into increased mental tension, which can also result in physical and psychological problems. This tension and this overload is called stress. Stress is a psychological state where every sphere of life is experienced simultaneously as we are over-emotionally excluded. But how can we manage stress?

You must be realistic. Nowadays you can not eliminate stress, but you can manage it. Good stress management would contribute to a more balanced mental health. Likewise, being relieved of negative emotions you will find time to deal with issues that really matter. First, try to take a little rest, and not think about problems that are not in your hand to solve, such as political problems or someone else’s problems. Try to divert attention from them, focusing on your wishes and needs, so that you “relieve yourself” psychologically.

Focus on something creative. Stress management has much to do with passing attention from one problem to another. For example, when you come home from work try to complete e puzzle with your relatives. In this way your brain remains busy solving problems, but the problem of finding particle formation is easier, than a work problem, and sends entertaining signals to the brain. Another positive benefit of this situation is the good time you dedicate to your family and friends. It would also be worth your time focusing on music and paintings or other forms of art.

Get out to nature. Even when it comes to physical activity, nutrition, or mental relaxation, outdoor guidance is the best choice. An outdoor, short, or long walk allows the brain and body to supply oxygen that comes with clean air. This later translates to lowering blood pressure in the brain and normalizing heart rhythm. Release of dopamine and serotonin hormones (hormones of happiness) contribute to the peaceful state of mind and happiness.

Learn to love your body. The fact that you are trying to change your lifestyle does not mean that your style is negative. Any improvement is positive either in the way of nutrition, physical activity or the way you treat yourself and your psychological state.