The EUFITMOS project will bridge the gaps between knowledge, guidelines, concepts for monitoring and assessment, among countries and among different sets of indicators on fitness.
Albanian Sports Science Association (ASSA) is part as an external partner of the European Fitness Monitoring System (EUFITMOS) having permission to utilize the project resources.
The monitoring of physical fitness of adolescents is important because it reflects the impact of genetic and environmental factors on health indicators. Based on the physical fitness level of children, pedagogical, and public health strategies and policies can be developed. In this sense, it is necessary to have a battery of validated fitness tests, capable of assessing physical fitness to obtain data that allow us to determine the level of health and at the same time establish comparisons between.
We intend to apply and disseminate the test battery all over Europe. We further want to encourage researchers to assess the level of physical fitness in adolescents by using this manual because the derived findings will inform the development of pedagogical public health strategies and European physical fitness recommendations.
“Modern systems for monitoring fitness in children and youth of school age”
The general goal of the program was to familiarize physical education teachers and classroom teachers with modern fitness monitoring systems for children and youth of school age. Also specific goals of the program relate to physical education teachers and classroom teachers becoming familiar with the trends of fitness development in school-age children and youth over time, with all available field tests for monitoring fitness in school-age children and youth, as well as to be able to apply the “EUFITMOS fitness testing protocol”, a modern system for monitoring fitness in children and youth of school age, and to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in future theoretical and
practical work.
ASSA thanks the organizers for this training.