About FUN Fitness Screening project
On December 8, 2017, Albanian Sports Science Association (ASSA) had the chance to cooperate with Special Olympics Albania in sport event “Special Olympics Basketball Week 2017” with the support of Kids Sport Center “SMART”. During this event ASSA lab team and research had the opportunity to work with intellectually disabled children within the frameworks of Special Olympics Basketball Week and Physical Activity.

ASSA lab team and researchers had composed a protocol of measurements based on the European Protocol for Special Olympics and protocol for anthropometric measurements and test on children. The activity and testing took place in the premises of Sport University of Tirana. The first aim of ASSA lab team partnered with Special Olympics Albania was to create the first national database of anthropometric measurements, for athletes participating in European Week of Basketball. The second aim was to create information about future training sessions and how to design effective training sessions.

The team worked with children aged 9-15 and other professional basketball players in the event. This project plans to study basic movements of children with intellectual disabilities, flexibility and strength, finding a correlation between sports practice and physical wellness. Simple measurements were taken. Children enthusiastically introduced themselves and gave the team a worm welcome in their event. While getting to know them, ASSA team took notes and asked questions about their lifestyle, how often do they train and participate in sportive events. Than they tested children’s flexibility and strength with simple tasks such as task one two three. These tasks were approved by the International Protocol and carefully applied by the team. Children later on continued playing and competing according to the rules of “European Week of Basketball” organized by Special Olympics Albania team and Smart Sport Centre staff.
Attached the final report FUN Fitness Screening project.FUN Fitness Screening 2021 Project- final report EN (1)