It has become more and more difficult to educate a child nowadays. For a full-time working parent it is even more difficult to balance work, family, children, and spend time on their own. But while the parent thinks, the child grows and learns, maybe information that parents do not approve of. But how can one orientate and teach a child around society, health, discipline, and physical activity? How does a parent act in this case? How much time is spent and what is the result?

Many parents have embraced a fast-paced lifestyle, always on the move and in the service of the child, but also building a healthy relationship with the child. Sports access provides more benefits to the child than all other activities, as long as an agenda is respected in order to teach discipline to the child. A parent serves his child’s sports agenda, spends time and money with it because it does not only build a healthy body but a healthy individual.

Being part of a team, the child learns not to be selfish. Squad sports orient individuals towards co-operation and team spirit. Egoism is not a solution for the children who play in the squad. In addition, the child learns the importance of continuity and being systematic in training. Tremendous and continuous work brings positive and growing results. Dedication and discipline in a team, with eyes to a goal, will teach the child that good things and victory do not come without work. This sets the foundation for a more laid back and more realistic individual in the future.

While training the child learns to create his social group. Besides, he also learns to better manage his time and abilities between school, homework, and training. By yielding good results with the time management, also helped by the parent, he/she gains self-confidence and is better able to take initiatives in the future. Being social, disciplined, respecting authority and time, the child is able to clarify his role in life, and understands his desires, needs and abilities better, so manages to evaluate himself correctly. Here the parent has given the child the greatest gift, joy, and reverence of victory together with some personality lessons.

Every lesson is oriented toward the child and building a positive, self-contained, healthy, capable and resourceful person, qualities that are enviable in every sphere of life and human activity. Will the parent be evaluated for the sacrifice he does? The education of an accomplished, empathetic, cooperative, and righteous individual is the greatest victory of a parent nowadays. You are creating a future for children, not just a beautiful day.

Inspired by Vanessa’s experience.